Our Second Opinion Over A Cup Of Coffee Service

Most people contribute to a personal pension, if they are not in a defined benefit pension scheme like the NHS, Teachers and Police Service.

Many contribute religiously through thick or thin, month after month, whether via work or personal contributions, yet hardly anyone stops to wonder whether they are investing in the right funds.

90% of your total investment return is based on investing in the right asset class, yet in our opinion, the vast majority of investors have their money in the wrong assets and this can cost them thousands of pounds of lost returns.

Others have broadly the right asset allocation, but are investing in “dog” funds, in other words funds which are consistently bad.

We would be happy to review your existing arrangements and provide you with honest feedback.

Case Study Example 1

Mr H had 4 former company personal pensions, totalling over £300,000. Whilst he worked for these companies, his pension fund received generous contributions from his employer and frankly he never really paid attention to the funds he was invested in and their performance.

Each time he moved on from his job, the company pension contributions ceased and Mr H’s pension would then languish for years, due to remaining invested not only in the wrong assets but also the wrong funds.

We consolidated the 4 pensions into one low-cost pension wrapper and he has lowered his charges, improved his fund performance and reduced his chance of not running out of money in retirement.

Case Study Example 2

Miss S is currently working for a company and is enrolled in their company pension scheme.

Both her and her employer are making decent contributions into the scheme. It is very likely that her company pension will become one of her biggest financial assets.

She informed us she is in the 'default' fund, which is frankly abysmal. She supplied us with the list of funds available and, for a one-off fee, have advised her which would be better suited to her needs.

She was delighted and now feels her funds are working harder for her.

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The earlier you plan, the better...

... get in touch and we'll get the ball rolling.