Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dom Browning
News, Resources, Insight and Opinion from Browning Financial Planning

Two Big Questions

Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dom Browning

Someone quoted that "money isn't the most important thing, but it's up there with Oxygen".

Having money helps but it is purely an enabler to help you achieve what is most important to you in life.

Many people work hard, they put the here and now on hold so that "one day" they can do something like retire early at 55, for example. But for some people "one day" never comes, they never get to sail the seven seas, they never get to climb the highest mountains and they never get to see their grandchildren grow up.

SO there are two big questions I would like to ask you. The first question is: Imagine your doctor tells you you only have 5 to 10 years to live. You won't feel sick. What will you do in the time remaining?

When you have listed all the things you might do "one day", answer my second question:

Why aren't you doing them now?

Life is NOT a rehearsal, happiness is the most important thing, yet there is no unit of happiness. Experiences outweigh objects every day of the week. Who wants to be the richest man in the grave yard.

Planning for the future is vital, but so is living for today. Getting the balance right is harder than it seems.

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