Our Services & Fees

We offer a full financial planning service, for which a fee is payable.

It is important to note that no fee will be charged at your first meeting, as our firm will meet the cost of this meeting. Following on from our first meeting, there are various fee options available and you can choose which is most suitable for you. The range of charges are as follows:

Financial Planning Service

To provide our ongoing financial planning service, an annual fee of 1% of the fund value is chargeable, which is deducted on a monthly basis from the funds we look after for you. For example, a £75,000 portfolio would attract an annual fee of £750. Our minimum annual fee is £750.

New Investments

For new investments an initial fee of 1.5% of the amount invested is chargeable. For example, a new £50,000 investment would attract a charge of £750. This amount is deducted from the investment, so no cheque is required. We discount our initial fee for larger investments.

Top-Up Investments

We do not charge you to top-up any existing investments you hold with us.

Reviewing Your Company Pension Funds

We charge a one-off transactional fee of 0.5% of your fund value, with a minimum fee of £250. Your funds will not be reviewed by us again, unless you ask us to.

Protection Products

For protection business (life cover, critical illness cover and income protection) a commission is received so no fee is chargeable.

Cashflow Reports

We charge £995 to create and present a cashflow report for you. This is ideal for people who don't have any investments/pensions with us, for example if their wealth is in their company pension scheme.

Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

Set fees are chargeable. Wills start from £250 and LPAs from £250.

We don't charge you to talk to us!

We do NOT charge for sending you letters, talking to you on the phone and answering your emails. You can talk to us for as long as you like without worrying about whether the clock is ticking and you are running up a big bill.