Wealth Management

Our primary focus is on helping you to achieve your goals in life.

Wealth Management from Browning Financial Planning

Achieving these goals is normally dependent on careful management of your savings, investments and pension funds. We can help you with this.

So how do we do this?

We do this through our Wealth Management Service.

Our first priority is to select the most appropriate investment vehicle for your needs, which for most people would be a Pension, ISA or Collective.

We then discuss something called Asset Allocation which in our opinion is the most important consideration in selecting an investment strategy. It basically means what percentage of your portfolio is in equities (shares) and what percentage of your portfolio is in bonds (fixed income). The more you invest in equities (the great companies of the World) the greater the potential return over the long-term. The more you have in bonds, the less volatility you will experience but consequently lower long-term returns.

We have a suite of model portfolios on offer and we will advise you on which one we feel is best for you.