Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dominic Browning
News, Resources, Insight and Opinion from Browning Financial Planning

Who will get your pension pot when you die?

Dominic Browning, Managing Director
Posted by Dominic Browning

We live in a world where most people outside the public sector have a Personal Pension.

Since companies have been obliged to pay into their employee's personal pension pots, these pots are or will be quite substantial.

Did you know that your Will does NOT determine who gets the proceeds of your personal pension. It is another document which does. it is called an EXPRESSION OF WISH(EOW) or DEATH NOMINATION FORM.

Therefore, if you have a personal pension and you care who gets it when you die, you need to have one in place and your employer or pension provider needs to have a copy on file.

It is particularly important for unmarried couples and those with complicated families (most of us).

So if your pension is with us, please request a form from us. If not with us, please get in touch with your pension provider.

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